Bella was not feeling well today and just wanted to be rocked, this is tonight after an hour long cry in my arms in the rocking chair. I would not have traded this moment for anything in the world, in fact, she fell asleep with in 10 minutes after rocking her to sleep and I continued to rock her for an hour. As I looked down at her sweet little face and bald head, all I could see was my baby. The same baby I held at 3 weeks of age. I knew her hair loss would be difficult, and the first day it started to fall, it was, but now, I find joy in seeing my baby again, of touching her perfectly smooth little head and I rejoice in the fact that this time I will be given the privilege of watching all that beautiful shiny black hair grow in the months to come. I missed that her first 8 months. I knew with all my heart that God would replace the time lost, I just had no idea that it would be so perfectly wonderful. Isn't that crazy? Who would ever have thought that chemo side effects would have joy. Yet He promised there was joy in all things...I love looking for those moments every day.
Merry Christmas :)
12 years ago
awwww sweet girl!!!
I know someone had said to me when i was sad that i missed out of 8months of my abbys life.."think of all the Years and years of memories you will NOW have of this girl"...i felt much better 6 months isnt too bad!
Bella is just so beautiful- even when she is asleep!
Not a day goes by that we don't pray for you all.
Thank you for encouraging my faith.
praying for better days ahead!!!
Sweet Baby Bella, May God wrap his healing hands around you. May you have a good day that is comfortable and painfree.
She is just so beautiful!!
Sorry she is having a rough week. Praying for your sweet little baby!!
I really admire your strength and attitude Susie!!! You are such an amazing Mom!!!
I continue to pray for Bella and I'm glad God is providing you moments of joy in this time of trial!
Your spirit is truly inspiring to me!
I too am always in awe at the good and precious gifts God seems to hand us during our trials. Like any parent LOVES to bless or even spoil His children during hard times! When we become children of God, there is joy in EVERY circumstance! We just have to be willing to see it.
I am so blessed by your willingness to always see the GOODNESS of the Lord.
Great things are heading your way! :)
Love in Christ,
Dana Burk
She's still beautiful...when I see her all I can think of blessed you are to have her and she you and your family!!! Give her an extra hug again for us..
the Harkemas
Hooray for JOY - thank you, God!! :)
She is soooo sweet, I love that photo! And, it's so wonderful that you have been able to concentrate on the positive things. You are amazing!!! I can't wait to see all of Bella's fun hats, headbands, etc. And, I love her bald head too, her eyes shine even brighter. :-) Always praying for you!!!
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