MY BABY!!!! This is a good side effect of chemo....she looks just like she did at 4 months old. I knew Sunday that this day was coming as her hair started to fall out pretty heavily...but by late this morning, I was putting a hat on her head just trying to keep it in till we got to my girl friend Belinda. Hair was every where, its all over our house, and believe it or not, after my big cry on Sunday, I was glad to see it go. It just got too messy and Bella was really miserable, she could not even eat with out hair all over her tray, hands and mouth. She looks adorable and we are honestly all good with this. Not how I wanted her first hair cut to be, but she had her hair 5 months longer than she was suppose too. Belinda said not to shave it off as she may keep some peach fuzz. So we will see, either way, she looks great and we LOVE seeing those big beautiful eye's popping out.
After dinner tonight, I gave Bella a tub and put her in to her much to big Dora jammies that were her cousins, she loves to put them on. After that, she wanted to hand me all of her hats, so I kept putting them on her head. She walked around with 4 hats on her head for an hour and half, too funny. She looked like the Cat in the Hat.
Walking by faith and not by sight. The more you do this, the easier it gets and before you know it, its habit! God's way is soooooo much easier, so grateful for His LIVING WORD!
Thanks for checking in and all your love and support. I want all of you fellow bloggers to know that I check your blogs weekly, I just dont get the opportunity to post enough, but I am working on it.
Hi. My name is Livy and I've become a fan of your blog and your family. =) Your little peanut is a beauty and she has my prayers as well as the prayers of my friends and family... she is a treasure as are her siblings. =)
Her hairdo is lovely... pretty baby. =) I love her hats too.
She's beautiful! Praying for your sweet girl!
I haven't commented in awhile, but Bella and the rest of your families have continually been in our prayers. . . she is SO cute in all the hairbows and hats. . . I love that God is giving you the grace to look at it as a blessing. Mike and the girls can't wait to meet her in person ( :
Connie, Mike - Hannah, Beka and Acacia.
Susie- She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Those eyes! I loved the pictures of her out in the driveway with the boys, but with her new haircut, boy, do her eyes just stand out and look SO beautiful! She does look just like she did as a baby! How fun to see that "baby" look back for awhile. Thanks for sharing the great pictures. We continue to pray for you guys daily. What a blessing that she is handling the treatments so well!
Love you guys,
Bella is beautiful!! I am continuing to lift up your family in prayer!!
Bella is a role model. All the time I am pointing out things she's doing that Mae-Sloan won't do. Tonight, I was pointing at her bracelet. M-S insists on putting one on nearly everday and I swear it's a challenge to see how quickly she can remove it. Bella and Malae look more alike now...she's got the Malae-Cut!!! I'm glad she loves her headbands and hats. I'm glad you can feel God's arms wrapped around YOU! Love.
Bella looks gorgeous. I must admit, I got a little teary eyed when I first saw the pictures. Then, I read your post and I felt better. I am happy to hear your doing well with her hair cut. Keep up the strenght and courage. XOXO courtney
kisses to bella
She is a beauty!!!!! We are praying and believing for your little princess!
Just discovered your blog.Please know that I am standing with you in faith for your lil' sweetie's healing.Thank you for sharing your life and family with us.
OHHH she looks soooooooooooooooooo darn cute!!!! That girl!!!
hugs and many prayers ,leslie
Yes beautiful as ever!!Zoey still has all of her hair and we are on her second to last round.Go figure.Looks like Bella is weathering the latest in wonderful form and we pray that the trend continues.Go Bella ... your doing great!
Awwww, she is sooooo beautiful! And you are right, her hair cut makes her look so little. I just want to scoop her up and squeeze her. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers!
She's still as beautiful as can be!!
Praying that all goes well with this round of chemo for your little beauty! It's awesome that she is ok with the "haircut"!
She's gorgeous. I'm praying for your sweet daughter.
She's beautiful, and look at allthe fun hats, I'm still just so thankful how well she has done on allthe meds, she is amazing!
She is just as adorable as ever! Those big beautiful eyes and pouty lips are the best! So glad God has given you exactly what you stand in need of throughout this whole ordeal. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!
what a doll Bella is.. i love her new doo!!!! praying for you guys & hoping this round of treatment isnt so hard on that sweet girl of yours
I love the haircut, cute as ever. I am praying that God heals Bella and the road isn't too hard.
God Bless
What a beautiful girl!
You and your family are in our prayers! Bella is BEAUTIFUL!!!
awwww, such a bitter-sweet post... sounds like you are doing well with it, as is Bella : ) She really does look adorable and truly an angelic spirit to endure all that she has. We continue to pray for Bella and all of you!
She looks BEAUTIFUL. Can't wait to meet her. Congrats on coming to terms with this. Funny how it is so easy to get caught up in such things - I'd be the same way! But I'm just amazed at the wonderful perspective you have, and your faith and trust. You are very blessed in so many ways.
gorgeous little haircut on the most precious of all princessess
Bella is just precious with her new haircut and you are an amazing mommy! I love her bows and hats-too cute!
She is BEAUTIFUL! Look at those eyes---WOW. I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
So blessed by your faith. And Bella is so gorgeous, hair or not. I'm grateful every day for her feeling better than was expected. I am grateful that she won't remember the pain, but will always remember the cuddles and rocking with Mama and love of her brothers and Daddy. I'm so grateful for what you teach me every time I read your blog. Thank you, AGAIN!
Love you from afar,
Amanda and Gabi
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