Yup, were Irish! Well at least the boys and I, Dave and Bella are adopted into the Irish Heritage. It was the most beautiful St. Patrick's Day I ever remember, 72 degrees, sunny and blue skies! Bella and I had a McDonald's picnic on the front porch, we all went on a bike ride and we ended the day with green "Guatemalan Corn Cake". Last year I spent an entire day cooking Irish food and nobody liked it, green cake is much easier.
Tomorrow starts round 2 of "Dealyed Intensification", not only does Bella get a spinal tap, but an all day chemo drip...it will be a long day and I am going prepared with things for both of us to do. Also, to clarify things and not confuse any one, "Delayed Intensification lasts 4 weeks", it is the last round of the intense chemo, but we still have 1 year and 8 months of treatment after this. I think I may have confused some of you when I said only 3 more treatments left. However, its my understanding that come the middle of June, our life can resume more "normalcy" as the hard part will be behind us. Yet again, we just give Praise to God for being faithful to His Word, Bella has done remarkably well, quit honestly, after the first two months, the worst part has been the steroids.
I am trying to figure out how to shorten some of my video clips so that I can post them. I have a really cute one yesterday of Bella laughing so hard at her brothers jumping on the tramp. Stinking cute!
It was soo nice here in Ohio too....I miss summer!
Abby loves her nuggets too....
Ahhh, spring weather is wonderful! I love that Bella is on the porch eating her chicken nuggets! SO cute!!
I will be on my knees praying for tomorrow that it goes well! Big hugs!!
That little Irish rose is too cute!! All your kids are gorgeous!
Those pix are just too precious! It's nice to see you celebrating your heritage. My Grandmother actually had quite an unusual mix. She was half Irish and half Cherokee Indian. She had the redest hair with blue green eyes and the prettiest dark complected skin. Definitely unique! Unfortunately she didn't take pride in either heritage. As a matter of fact, her parents hid both of their origins.
I have German and Apache on the other side. So that makes me....uh....a true American! LOL
My prayer focus will definitely be on Bella tomorrow! Call me if there are any specifics that need to be addressed! I have an entire team of prayer warriors standing by!
Believing Bella continues to sail through and comes out of this fire not even smelling of smoke!
(Daniel 3:27)
As always not just praying but Proclaiming Victory in the name of Jesus,
It was beautiful here in MO too! We had a great day.
Bella looks sooo good. I love the bows and hats!
I have video of Luca laughing hysterically while Nico is tickling him with an electric toothbrush...I just can't get them loaded!!
Prayers that this last treatment is easy on Bella.
your family will be in my thoughts & prayers today!!! as well as every day
Beautiful pics!! I am continuing the prayers for Bella!!
I love it... a green Guatemalan cake... truly a family that embraces their multi-cultural heritage : ) I love your darling and precious bald beauty!
Such Cute pics!!!!!!!
Must be some link between tots and their nuggets!!! ;)
Hope the treatments went well.
Ahh! I love their St. Patty's Day clothes! You did a great job, Mama!
That cake looks delicious. My mouth is watering right now thinking about it. I'll have to try making one next year. Did you get a green tongue? Ha!
Praying and believing with you as always!!!
Just checking back in to say that I am thinking of you and Bella today and praying for you! I am praying for God's amazing strength to touch you in a special way!!
Yummmm, that looks good! I love the kids coordinating outfits too. How cute are they!
How precious. Love seeing the kids all together. Have a great weekend.
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