Our life is nothing short of an adventure...

Wind in our hair and screams of delight but also unpredictable turns and unknown outcomes. We are a family of six; Dave, Susie, Nate, Jake, Sam, and Bella.

God has been faithful in our marriage and through the birth and blessings of our boys.

God has been faithful during our adoption journey and united Bella with us in May of 2008. We were privileged to visit with Bella's birth mother; therefore, Bella's family in Guatemala will always be dear to our hearts.

On October 16, 2008, Bella was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. We are now battling the disease with 2 years and 3 months of treatment. We believe God will continue to be faithful!

Our family is committed to living life to the fullest...even on the hard days. Thank you for checking in and journeying with us!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Way Overdue Update!

Bella and Malaena running away from me after they escaped from their bath time, PRICELESS!

Cheri and I, first one's in the pool for the summer 2009. Cheri said it was below 30, I say it was around 60...can you tell which one of us is the Northerner?

Bella just before her broviach removal, I'd say from this look she was ready.

This was a common scene, silly Malae and Ms. "I am not so sure of this girl" Bella. Two totally different personalities and they played beautifully together. Now Cheri and I...we are two peas in a pod.

This is what happens when your toddler is in your bathroom and you are busy blowing drying your hair. I knew she was playing with them, what I didnt know is that she took off with both boxes. When I realized she was not in my bedroom any more I went looking for her and this is what I found. Take note, she has the directions in her hands. I still cant look at this picture without laughing...I wonder if she will find these just as entertaining years from now?

This is one of the walls at "The Cottage". It's lined with photos of previous years. We went up to the cottage Memorial Weekend to "Open the Cottage" and my son took this picture.

My boys at the bonfire.

My boys with their "everything's bigger at Bostwick Lake" doughnuts.

This is Bella after her Broviach Removal..."Princess Quit A Lot" is all smiles and FREE!

To all my loyal blogging friends...I am so sorry, I am way behind on my blog. Why is it that every year teachers pile on every field trip and project for the last 6 weeks of the school year? EVERY YEAR! 3 kids in 3 different classes makes for a challenging schedule.

Bella and I had an absolutely wonderful time in Missouri with our friends The Harris's. Cheri and I laughed till our cheeks hurt and slept very little. We were having so much fun that we stayed an additional evening. Bella did great and thanks to her buddy Malae, she is now climbing on everything.

Last week Bella had her "broviach" (external port) removed....I cant even begin to express the immense ease this has brought to our lives and hers. For the first time in 7 months, Bella can take a bath as often as she likes and dive in as deep as she wants, she does not have to wear a "onsie" every day and she no longer has an itchy rash from the bandaid used to keep the open wound protected. As for me, I no longer have to change her bandages any more no inject her nightly with antiobiotics to keep it from getting infected. Her meds are still pretty high maintenance, the monthly 5 days of steroids can be a bit hard on our daily life, but Bella is really doing great. One of the high lights, her hair is growing back and she keeps getting stronger.

My first baby is graduating from 8th grade Monday night and moving on to High School. I know I just sent him off to Kindergarten, I remember it just yesterday. His little blonde buffey hair and Harry Potter back pack...how quickly these years go and how very much I want to let the demands of this world go so that I can just sit back and take it all in with every one of my kids. With God's grace and wisdom, I will.

I attached photo updates from the last couple of weeks and hope to be able to post soon professional photos shot by Bellabambino while in Missouri. Sheri took pictures of Bella and Malaena as well as us the four us girls.

Again, I am so very grateful that you continue to check in on us and pray. This journey continues to bless us in so many ways, your words of support and encouragement always makes my heart happy.

Blessings and love to all,



Kelli said...

Every one of those kids have million dollar smiles! Glad to read an update on Bella. And yes that photo of her playing in the bathroom is priceless and will be excellent blackmail someday! :)

Mama Bear said...

What beautiful pictures. Laughed at the cuteness of the girls! Way too cute. Glad to see you back. Oh the tampon pictures still has me belly laughing!

Anonymous said...

These are great pics..i love bonding with other adoptive moms and kids!!! FUN!

OMG my kids loved my pads and tampons too!

bearer of three said...

your pics are too cute...awww and congrats to your big one!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm cracking up at the first picture! I LOVE Bella's stance. It's as if she's saying.."CHARGE!"

She's such a cutie! This SO made my day!

Thanks for the update! I was beginning to get concerned.


Vanessa said...

Praise the Lord for good times, good friends and healing!! Glad to hear Bella is doing great!

The Adoption Journey of Baby King said...

What cute pictures. So glad to hear Bella is doing so well. What a strong little girl! The girls are so cute together.

Gail said...

Congratulations Bella on getting the broviach removed. And what great timing - just in time for swimming. I love the "little bottoms" picture. It certainly is priceless.
Love Bella in her Pretty Lady Gymboree outfit too. Johanna is wearing that pink shirt today.

Pam L said...

So happy to see everyone looking "So Happy"! Bella looks
exceptionally well! I know having that port taken out is such a relief! Your summer at the beach will be so much more enjoyable without it.
I know what you mean about our kids growing up way too fast. I've got one who's going to be a HS Senior this year. I can't find any possible way that should be happening yet!

Barb said...

Great pictures...seems like every posting someone has changed...they grow up qay to quickly. We have handprints of all the grandkids on our cottage wall.

Hannah said...

I love that first photo! So adorable!!

Magen said...

It is great to see Bella is doing so well, I just loved the first picture, thanks for the laugh!

Alex and Sam said...

just Love the new pics.. they are priceless... glad to hear Bella had her port removed..just in thime for pool season...

Lori said...

I am new here, but you have a great adorable blog. Blessings. LOVE LOVE LOVE the tampon picture. She will thank you for that later, heheh.

Pineapple Princess said...

Best pictures ever! My favorites are the first one, the one with silly Malae and Bella, you guys in the pool, and your handsome boys! Oh, the Tampon picture is priceless! I had taken the same picture of my Bella doing the exact thing, but I accidentally deleted it! Boohoo!

God bless your day! I am thinking about you ALL THE TIME and praying for you. Praise God that Bella's broviach was removed. Good times this summer!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

first, i just wanna say, you have a new prayer partner. second, we have a lot in common...both moms of great kids! woo hoo! and both moms of bio and adopted kiddos too! woo hoo! and both moms of multiracial kids! wow...that's some stuff.

anyway, i love your blog...i'm following along, praying along with you and adding your prayer button to my prayer roll!

and, btw, your kids are toooo stinking cute! i lvoe the cutey patootey's running all naked to thru the halls! cute!

Anonymous said...

What a precious family you have!!! I will remember your Bella in prayer each time I pray for my Bella!



Alisha said...

Beautiful pics! I am glad she finally got the port removed! That must feel so much better!

Amanda said...

I've been waiting and waiting for this update. I knew you were having way too much fun. Isn't it like therapy to spend time with good friends. So thrilled about Bella's great progress and how safe and comforted God has kept her. She's more beautiful every day. Love those lips.

And your boys simply bring joy to my little world. They truly look as if they are so happy they could burst-- all the time! How is that possible. I just love seeing them together. You are so blessed.

Missed you while you were gone.

Elisa said...

LOVED the pics- I have been following your blog from way back before Bella got sick and I am so happy to see her looking so good!!!!

I am so jealous of your Michigan lake house- we try to make it back to Sagatuck each summer- love it!

Love your blog, I too have three boys (and just adopted an Hispanic baby girl domestically).

Bella is beautiful with that bald head!


Anonymous said...

I love it! We are thinking of you often....

Joanna said...

I don't think I'll ever get that "booty-licious" shot out of my head. That is seriously, no seriously, THE cutest pic I've ever seen. The tampons was a close second. You've got the sweetest kids.