One year ago on May 3, 2008...we became a family of SIX! It still takes my breath to think of this moment, it was more powerful than picking Bella up after not seeing her for 8 months. All the waiting, all the love and support, our boys waiting, friends and family was an overwhelming awesome moment. Victory was God's.
Happy Forever family day!
Hope you had a great day. You're so right--this was God's victory. I've said it before and I'll say it again--what a year it's been! Happy forever family day Ferrick family!
Happy Forever Family Day!
Hugs, Jill
I thought of you today!!!!
What an amazing memory! Your boys were so adorable. Hope you guys had a wonderful day together. Isn't it incredible to look at these girls and see the answer to so many prayers. Brings me just about to tears every time I think about it.
We'll talk soon!
Many blessings...
Love, Jenifer
Happy Forever Family Day!!
I have followed your blog for some months now and I wanna wish your family "HAPPY FOREVER FAMILY DAY"!
Happy Forever Family day!!
It's still hard to believe it's been a year! I remember that whole week in Guatemala enjoying good food, relaxation poolside and awesome conversation the whole week. I'm so glad we share our FFD!!! I love you and I'll see you in a couple of days!!!!! I've got to go....must get to cleaning! LOL
Happy Forever Family Day
Make sure you check out the Tuesday F. Whitt Annual blog party auction, and help researchers find a cure for neuroblastoma, one of the least funded pediatric cancers, and one of the most deadly at
Yay! Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow! And What an amazing blessing she is!!!
Happy Family day!!!!!!
Happy forever family day! What a wonderful experience that was~Thanks for sharing~I cried!
That video brought tears to my eyes. Amazingly beautiful!
Congrats on your first forever family day!!! Isnt it hard to believethat a whole year has gone by... enjoy!!!
Happy FFDay!!!
Hard to believe it has been a year already. The time has flown for us as well. Hope you had a wonderful day!
What a special time to celebrate. Happy Forever family day :-)
That just took my breath away! Happy Forever Family Day! It's glorious isn't it?
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