It was a relatively quiet week for the kids. We spent this week home as I had many apts and work to complete. We did manage to get to the park one day to climb trees and the beach on Friday to enjoy Lake Michigan. Bella loves the sand....but I am in no hurry to head to the beach again. She would not take her nap, and therefore, Mama could not lay in the sun as I so love to do. But the boys flew their kites and we made the best of it. Cottage life is definitely easier with babies. We will head back to the cottage this week for the remainder of the summer, school starts Sept. 3rd. Ready or not, here it comes. Boys are ready, I am ready, not so sure Bella is giong to be ready. I am not ready for summer to come to an end, I love the carefreeness of the season, the warm weather, sunshine, days at the cottage, hanging with my siblings, nieces and nephews, parents. Over all just enjoying my kids being kids. But Michigan falls are beautiful, and this family LOVES Halloween, we start planning for that in September.
For all of you praying for our family, thank you, God's mercies are new every day and we praise Him through all storms as we know he will faithfully take us through them and come out victorious on the other side. We are doing well.
Bella is teething again, her 7th tooth is trying to make its appearance on the bottom. Still not walking, but she is gaining strength in her cruising around furniture and standing on her own. Hard to believe that she is almost one. I so much want to keep her my baby, being that I missed the first 8 months, but so very thankful to see her growing healthy and appropriately.
Stay tuned for more great family cottage photos. We are winding the summer done, its always bitter sweet.
Love to all.
I know...I don't want summer to end either. It's my favorite season to just have fun and enjoy my kids. Luke starts school Thursday and Josh on the 27th..too soon for me! I love them all being home together. I get the feeling you do too!
I love reading of you and your clan. God is good and your story is unfolding....wanna meet for a beverage...early in the morning, mid day, lunch, dinner, midnight...I will fit into your schedule!
It seems like forever since we were sitting around the pool in Guatemala. Our whole summer has flown by and our boys start school tomorrow. Brock is a SENIOR!!! Wow! It will be a fun year with a one year old and a senior in high school. See you soon. Cheri
Bella and the boys are beautiful!!!! I love reading your blog.
Wow 7th tooth. Anjoli's 1st tooth finally broke thru. She turns 1 in just a few weeks (9/4) and I really thought she'd be 1 and toothless.
Love the pics. Life in the cottage looks fabulous!!!
Much Love my friend,
I must admit that I envy you all right now with your summer still going on and spending time at the beach! Enjoy the next few weeks! The pics are all gorgeous, and Bella is just beautiful in her bikini!!
What a beautiful family you have!! Your little girl is just beautiful!!
Cute, Cute!!!!!! I love the kite!
Bella is such a doll. And I cannot beleive all of that hair! It is so adorable!
I hope you guys are enjoyng every moment together!
Chantelle, Bianca, & Eric
What great pics!! Your children are beautiful!!
Check out Ella Marie Boutique, ellamarieboutique.blogspot.com, for adorable baby clothes sold to raise money for orphans in Guatemala and adoptions everywhere. The blog business is run by the family of encounteringella.blogspot.com
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..............Pure Sweetness !!!!!!!!!!!! Courtney
Cute bikini! Do you live in Michigan?? I'm in the UP.
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