Bella eating Big Girl Food, she is now switched to table foods and Vitamin D Milk. Mommy is having a hard time with it, Bella is fine.

This girl loves the sand....I do too, but not on my face. It gets in the mouth and then its all over for me.

Taken on the dock with "her boys". LIfe at the lake.

Everything is big at the lake, including this 24" Pizza! IT's so fun to walk in the pizza shop and pick up the box, its so ginormous. The kids just think its the coolest thing ever and the pizza is really good.

I dont know why this picture is posting sideways. This is my Jake, a cottage renter next door gave us the boat when they left...it did not have oars, so Jake made due using the beach shovels.
Another great weekend at the cottage. This week we are stuck at home as I have several homes to show, baby shower and an open house. We are taking the boys to Lake Michigan on Friday to the beach....they are so excited. Bella is still standing great, but this little Princess would rather be held. NO sooner do I put her on the floor and "her boys" come and scoop her up. She is now to the point where she cries if she is put down. Yikes! We need to break this habit as the boys go back to school in Sept. But its wonderful to have a baby that loves to be held. I am so living that up. She is now blowing kisses and giving kisses...she even makes the noise. It's hard to believe that she is almost one.
Oh they grow too fast...don't you just want to stop the clock sometimes. It is hard to break those habits. I am having a hard time the sleeping, as I love holding him, but know he has to go to sleep in his own bed, so have to start now as my 3 months will but up soon. I love the pictures of Bella with her 3 boys! Wonderful!
They definitely grow up too fast!! Looks like you're having a wonderful summer!!
Oh, I love the pictures, especially the shovels for oars! Leave it to a boy who loves the water to come up with that one. That's some ingenuity.
Thanks so much for the prayer on my blog. It meant so much to me. And thanks for the "nomination". I'm just not into the fun stuff right now. Hope you understand.
I'm bummed beyond belief. I'm trying to stay open to God's will, but I'm afraid of what thay may be.
I did want to tell you, we have one very special thing in common. I too am afraid of heights but I LOVE roller coasters;)
Thanks again friend!
Great summer fun pics. Love that extra large pizza.
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