Our life is nothing short of an adventure...

Wind in our hair and screams of delight but also unpredictable turns and unknown outcomes. We are a family of six; Dave, Susie, Nate, Jake, Sam, and Bella.

God has been faithful in our marriage and through the birth and blessings of our boys.

God has been faithful during our adoption journey and united Bella with us in May of 2008. We were privileged to visit with Bella's birth mother; therefore, Bella's family in Guatemala will always be dear to our hearts.

On October 16, 2008, Bella was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. We are now battling the disease with 2 years and 3 months of treatment. We believe God will continue to be faithful!

Our family is committed to living life to the fullest...even on the hard days. Thank you for checking in and journeying with us!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Waiting on God's timing can sometimes play a toll on the flesh. This has been an especially hard two days....not of fear, worry or dread, just anxiousness. Anxiousness of knowing when we will be united with our daughter. We continue to estimate when we "think" we will go...and as the days go by for DNA to get the USE, we find our selves moving the date back, and that hurts my heart. But "sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, How great though art". "For He who is in Me is greater than He who is in the world". So I submit my will and plans to God, and I wait for His perfect day, even though it doesn't "feel" good, I know that I know that His day and hour is right. He Has it all mapped out, and He knows the smile He will bring to my face, and the utter awesomeness of it all.

I have been reading Matthew the last few weeks and came upon the scripture regarding Peter and Jesus when the Lord appeared to them out on the stormy waters. "But when Peter perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me!" Matt 14:30 And Jesus did just that "Instantly, Jesus reached out His hand and caught and held him saying, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?". Matt 14:31 (Notice the bold and italic words)

This is faith...believing with out seeing, living in the spirit, in only what the truth reveals not by what we can see or feel. Tough lesson for the flesh, but eternally saving! I'm reaching my hand Lord and I receive your strength and perseverance to trust in something greater than myself.

Tomorrow brings a new hope for DNA on its way to the USE. "Hope is the irreplaceable BELIEF in the impossible"! I love it!

As a side note, my friend Cheri received news today that their DNA is on the way to the USE and my blogging buddy Lindsey received their Pre Approval from the US Embassy thus allowing them to move forward in to PGN. AMEN LORD, AMEN!

Keep checking in, good news is hours away, I am so sure of it! God is good all the time.



Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...

Susie, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement!!! I am praying so much for y'all right now....it will happen so soon!!!!!!!


PS said...

Just when you are at the brink of your strength-He reaches out to you "hold on, hold on" He beckons. The end result is so much better than any struggle or anxiety. Loving you for Bella tonight! The same sun shines here, as in Guat. Bella sees the same moon, too. In a few days you can point to it and enjoy it together! Love you Susie! Pam

demp5 said...

Friday is your day. And, the timing of your pickup trip will coincide perfectly with a visit to Stacy and me :) Can't wait to read your good news!!

Candy said...

AHHHH Girl now I start that WAIT...I am sure tomorrow is your DAY....I just wanted us all the be at the BIG E together...HUgs

Cheri said...

Sister...Your DNA results are headed back to...you just haven't heard the news yet. We are on our way to waiting for PINK. Love.