Our life is nothing short of an adventure...

Wind in our hair and screams of delight but also unpredictable turns and unknown outcomes. We are a family of six; Dave, Susie, Nate, Jake, Sam, and Bella.

God has been faithful in our marriage and through the birth and blessings of our boys.

God has been faithful during our adoption journey and united Bella with us in May of 2008. We were privileged to visit with Bella's birth mother; therefore, Bella's family in Guatemala will always be dear to our hearts.

On October 16, 2008, Bella was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. We are now battling the disease with 2 years and 3 months of treatment. We believe God will continue to be faithful!

Our family is committed to living life to the fullest...even on the hard days. Thank you for checking in and journeying with us!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Night and Award

When I started this post, I almost said "first night without Bella" and then I quickly realized I would have thrown all of you into sinking stomachs fast! Bella is great! She is so stinking cute and also entering the joyful two's. :) This week she experienced her first "time outs" in the porta crib as she now throws fits when we take something away from her. I have not used this porta crib for anything other than sleeping when traveling and now, we have a great need for it. She get's 2 minute time outs when she throws a fit and cant get a grip. God bless her, most times, she is so obedient and sweet.

Tonight is our first night without Bella since she came home 15 months ago. I thought it would be harder, but so far, so good. My little brother Joe gets married in Chicago this weekend and a 2 year old at an out of town wedding would not be fun. So she is home with my in-laws and I am thrilled for Bella to get this quality time with her grandparents. Dave and I and the the boys are looking forward to a fun family weekend with no responsibilities other than fun...but we sure will miss our Princess, its just fun to see her smile, smell her head and kiss her cheeks. She can now say the entire alphabet by repeating it with us and can count to ten when walking up or down the stairs. She say's so many words, but her newest saying "love you" is my personal favorite. She lists off all her cousins names on a daily basis and walks around the house saying "cottage" with a question mark. Her eating is improving and she is beginning to try new foods again. She is still a "night owl" like her Mom and prefers a 10 o'clock bedtime. That works for the summer, but come fall, its over!

We get back Sunday evening and un-pack and pack again for our last summer camping trip with old neighbors and friends. This summer has been a whirl wind of living out of suitcases, yet I would not have changed anything. We spent an entire year home doing nothing with Bella coming home and then her diagnosis and treatment, its been wonderful to have a sense of freedom again. Bella has her monthly spinal tap chemo next week and continues to take oral chemo daily.

While during the adoption process I received a "blogging award", this summer, I am pretty sure you would aware me "worst update blogger". I hope to bring a new energy and look to my blog come fall. the 3 boys will be back in school and travel during the day will come to an end. I appreciate all of you keeping up on us and all your prayers and support.

Blessings, enjoy these last few weeks of summer.


Pineapple Princess said...

Oh, she is so precious! It's hard to believe that she takes chemo daily...She is the picture of health! Love her tummy!
Enjoy your time with just the boys this weekend!
Looking forward to your fall blogging, too!!

Mama Bear said...

Ah Susie, you are indeed NOT not the worst blogger!!! Yo rock and so does Bella. Love that picture. Take time to enjoy yourself :-)

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

You are right that title would have freaked us all out, glad yoy changed it. She looks great, we have the same bathingsuit but with a butterfly in the middle. Have a great time! and really why blog when you have all those fun kids at home for the summer, enjoy them.

Gail said...

I think many of us have been slackers when it comes to blogging lately. I know I still love you even if you don't blog. lol

I have not had one night away from Johanna since bringing her home 16 months ago. I don't think I could survive it.

Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Be there in 10 days....get rested up for some FUN!

The gFamily said...

I definitely still love to check in when you do blog! Bella looks so scrumptious in her adorable swimsuit! We still pray every night for sweet Bella!

Anonymous said...

Bella is so beautiful! It must be so hard to be away from your sweet girl. Have a nice time!