Pray....we hear this all the time, "pray for me, pray for others, pray, pray, pray. In the last couple of years, I have really come to understand what prayer is, but never have I heard it put so simply until recently.
How simple....it's not the ritual prayers we speak, its not church every Sunday, but ever day relationship with our Creator and Father.
P raise
R epent
A sk
Y ield
Exactly how Jesus instructed us to pray through what we now know as the "Lord's Prayer".
I loved this simple explanation of how to pray, and I can't help but think how many more of us would spend time in prayer if we simply took a few minutes to praise, repent, ask and yield. I know the world would be better for it.
So true Susie! Prayer is not merely words we speak..prayer is an act of the heart! A yearning to want MORE of JESUS!
Although I didn't realize I was using the P.R.A.Y method at the time, this is the way I always spent my prayer time with Serenity.
First, I always began with Praises entering into His presence with thanksgiving. For His Word says He inhabits the praises of His people and I wanted Him in the very midst of our situation. The next thing I would do is say "Lord if I have unknowingly stepped outside of your will or sinned on this day, I ask that you would forgive me. So that I may come to you with a pure heart." I wanted nothing to hinder me from reaching His Throne. Then I would offer my petition up to Him for that day and EXPECT Him to move.
P.R.A.Y. What a simple way of putting things into perspective...Praise Him in All things, Repent and turn from your wicked ways, Ask and ye shall receive...Be still and know that I am God!
I LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing!
Our church recently did a series called "Reset" and it included this acronym for prayer. I really love it!! Hope you have a blessed Easter!!
One way I have taught my kids to pray, which also helps me is:
J=Jesus (praise him)
O=Others (pray for other people)
Y=Yourself(forgiveness & requests)
This keeps it simple and in the order God wants. Thanks for sharing PRAY.
I love this, and hadn't heard of it before. Thanks for posting it.
Have a wonderful Easter, Susie!!
P.S. Looking forward to seeing Bella in her new Gymboree ladybug outfits that she just got!
What a great post!!!
I never thought to put it that way. What a wonderful and simple way to understand God's will.
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