Tonight, I witnessed history, and although Senator Obama was not my candidate of choice, he is my President Elect. I find it awesome and exciting that our country has surpassed the racial divides and has elected our first African American President...this alone is PROGRESS! So I stand with all my fellow Americans in supporting our new President. The bible clearly states that we are to respect our government, we dont have agree to everything, but we are to respect them. So I pray this evening as I will every day, that the mind of Christ is bound to our new President elect, that the Lord will "open the eye's of his heart so that he will come to know the hope to which He has called him too". This country has been blessed beyond measure, we give much and receive much. My family and I will stand with the new administration with the hope that we are standing with brothers and sisters of Christ, knowing that God's hand was in this election and that miraculous things will come of it. My hope is that for those of you who were like me and chose a different candidate, that you will follow suit and honor our God and this great country and pray "earnestly, with out ceasing" for our countries future and our new President. Change is good, and its all perfect when God is in it! Congratulations President Elect Obama.
He was also not my choice but I stand with him and hope there's positive change to come!
Susie, Amen, sister, Amen. McCain would have been 'better' for me but I think Obama is better for the country. Sometimes we gotta take ourselves out of the picture. I echo your sentiments exactly - God is in this and I choose to watch Him at work again and expect great things from Him.
Hope you are staying strong today and each day.
Very very nice post. You are an amazing woman!
I completely agree! Very nicely said!! I have so much respect for you!!
Praying! Cute story.... Last night I was in a hurry to get the boys to bed and just said a quick prayer for both boys. Grady was not happy because we didn't pray for our list of people with Bella included. He said, "What about that little Bell girl we pray for and the others?" Oh, they teach me so much!! So, of course, we prayed for Bella and the others and we asked God to teach mommy to slow down!! :)
Wow! What an awesome post - and I totally agree! I could not have said it better. You have an amazing faith and a great way with words. I can see God is using you to touch many lives (mine included) - and for that I say thanks! I pray for your family often as you are going thru this tough time.
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