My goodness, the last 2 years of "waiting for Bella" seemed to go at a turltes pace, now life seems to go at Lighting Speed!!! Oh dear Lord, may we enjoy every moment of every day to the fullest. It's hard to do anything but stare and hold this little lady bug...she is very engaging.
My brother Tom and his wife Sandra's kids came for a visit on Saturday. They had not seen Bella since her official appearnce at the airport. Oh this Chica is going to be so in love with all 8 of her cousins!!! As you can see from the photo, Tom had 3 girls ( I had 3 boys) shortly after we announced we were adopting a girl, Tom and Sandra announced they were having a 4th. I will never forget the day he called with news of their ultra sound that they were having a boy. Tom and I used to joke that we would have a 4th and do a trade...no big deal, they would be cousins, its all good. :) God had different plans, AMEN!
Our friends Rick and Pam also made a visit bringing Bella some of her very own toys. We ended the weekend for a night out at Chili's compliments of our friends the Culps whom we met in Guatemala while on our visit trips to Hannah's hope to meet our daughters last September. Their Sophie and our Bella were roommates. Please keep sweet Sophie in your prayers, she is still waiting to come home. We are believing God for great things today! Bella loves french fries, can she get any more American?
Lastly, our middle son Jacob had Country Project Night tonight. No, this did not involve line dancing, but rather, each child chose a country to report on and fittingly, Jacob chose Guatemala. Let me tell you, his sister was the hit of the night. I was totally exhausted after leaving the school from all the attention she received. I thought she would have a melt down, but no, she's a trooper. We are so proud of Jacob, he did such a beautiful job. While Bella took a "real" nap this afternoon (yes, we are in "Nap Boot Camp"), I made Guatemalan Corn Cake for Jake to give out. That too was a big hit. We spent some time in Antigua specifially shopping for Jake for his project. He had them proudly displayed. On a side note, my sister-in-law Lana sent the PINK sweater and hat Bella is wearing in the photo. We just got it today and I absolutely loved it! It's a little big on her, but she is so cute in it and she had compliments on it all night. Thanks Lana!
This weekend, we head to the cottage to "open the cottage". My boys are counting down the days. How blessed we are to spend the summers with cousins and siblings. Not sure how Bella will do with her new surroundings, but judging her adjustment everywhere else, I am so not worried, she just goes with the flo! She is definitely our "merge" baby.
In 2 weeks, my sister-in-laws are hosting a "Welcome Home" open house, so I am preparing for that by making a tri-fold and DVD or our journey.
Life has been so busy....but not a second goes by that I dont Praise my God for all He is and has done. Everyone who comments on Bella gets the same answer from me, "She is 150% God". This journey of adoption is and was, the journey to God's heart. I finally understand what it meant to our heavenly Father to adopt us as His children through Christ, I stand amazed by Him.
Blessings, Susie
Tooo cute!!! All kids LOVE french fries dont they???
Where is your cottage at??? Is it up north???
Congrats on the NAP!!!!!! Cant wait till we have naps around here!!!
Oh she is so cute...I can't stand it!!!
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