We had Christmas at my parents tonight, and as you can see, Grandma came through with yet another year of home made jammies for all 13 grandchildren! She tells us this was the last year, I'm hoping it not so, but I certainly can appreciate the daunting task of making that many sleeves.
Bella continues to do well. She had chemo this past week and started her monthly steroids as well. They started her on a small dose of prozac to try and counter act some of the unpleasant personality side effects of steroids, and its working! Bella's personality has really bloomed in the last 2 months. She is very social, say's hi to everybody and we are amazed by her language. She uses complete sentences, uses spanish words often, can count to 10 in both spanish and english, say's her abc's and can completely communicate with us verbally. She loves to spin like a ballerina, sing songs, play her brothers electric guitar and drums, still totally love's Dora and Minnie Mouse and is a little unsure about Santa but loves that he is bringing presents....preferably a "new baby doll" and a "big Dora Kitchen". Bella is doing so well that we often forget that we have monthly treatments of chemo. We are now 1 year away from completing her 2 yr. 3 month treatment plan.
The boys are great, very busy, seems that Bella and I spend the majority of our day driving them around. I have told them at this point, when I pull up to their stop, they need to "tuck and roll" as I need to get to the next drop off. There adoration for Bella and hers for them lights up my heart. They never complain when asked to watch her which is daily and they often argue over who gets to play with her.
Merry Christmas to all, may each of you know the power in the eternal gift that was given to you so many years ago in Christ.